关于「 seasonal」的内容列表

Australia's January quarter-adjusted unemployment rate was 4.1%, expected to be 4.10%, and the previous value was 4.00%.

Australia's January quarter-adjusted unemployment rate was 4.1%, expected to be 4.10%, and the previous value was 4.00%.

2025-02-20 00:30:02
After the January quarter adjustment in the United States, the non-farm employment population 143,000, and the expected 170,000, and the previous value was revised from 256,000 to 307,000.

After the January quarter adjustment in the United States, the non-farm employment population 143,000, and the expected 170,000, and the previous value was revised from 256,000 to 307,000.

2025-02-07 13:30:04
The final value (not seasonally adjusted) of the benchmark change in non-farm payrolls in the United States in 2024 - 598,000, the previous value - 818,000.

The final value (not seasonally adjusted) of the benchmark change in non-farm payrolls in the United States in 2024 - 598,000, the previous value - 818,000.

2025-02-07 13:30:45
U.S. nonfarm payrolls rose 143,000 in January, lower than expected

The non-farm payrolls in the United States recorded 143,000 after the January quarterly adjustment, which was significantly lower than the 170,000 level expected by the market and the lowest level since October last year. The unemployment rate in January recorded 4.0%, the lowest since May last year, and the market expectation was 4.1% unchanged.

2025-02-07 13:33:43
Institutional Prospects U.S. Nonfarm Employment After the January Quarterly Adjustment (Previous Value: + 256,000)

Deutsche Bank: + 130,000; Mizuho Securities: + 135,000; Comay Bank: + 140,000; HSBC Holdings: + 140,000; ING: + 140,000; Rheinbank: + 140,000; Morgan Stanley: + 140,000; Standard Chartered: + 140,000; Danske Bank: + 150,000; JPMorgan Chase: + 150,000; Moody's Analytics: + 150,000; ANZ: + 160,000; Scotiabank: + 160,000; BNP Paribas: + 170,000; Capital Economics: + 170,000; Deutsche Bank: + 170,000; Westpac: + 170,000; Barclays: + 175,000; TD Securities: + 175,000; Wells Fargo: + 185,000; Goldman ...

2025-02-07 03:54:23
Switzerland's quarterly adjusted unemployment rate in January was 2.7%, compared with an expected 2.7%, and the previous value was revised from 2.6% to 2.7%.

Switzerland's quarterly adjusted unemployment rate in January was 2.7%, compared with an expected 2.7%, and the previous value was revised from 2.6% to 2.7%.

2025-02-06 06:45:02
Switzerland recorded a quarterly adjusted unemployment rate of 2.7% in January, the highest since September 2021.

Switzerland recorded a quarterly adjusted unemployment rate of 2.7% in January, the highest since September 2021.

2025-02-06 06:48:23
Germany's January quarter-adjusted unemployment rate was 6.2%, compared with an expected 6.2% and a previous value of 6.10%.

Germany's January quarter-adjusted unemployment rate was 6.2%, compared with an expected 6.2% and a previous value of 6.10%.

2025-01-31 08:55:02
The number of unemployed in Germany after the January quarterly adjustment 11,000, expected 14,000, and the previous value 10,000.

The number of unemployed in Germany after the January quarterly adjustment 11,000, expected 14,000, and the previous value 10,000.

2025-01-31 08:55:02
The unseasonally adjusted housing price index of the 20 major cities in the United States in November was 4.3%, expected to be 4.3%, and the previous value was 4.22%.

The unseasonally adjusted housing price index of the 20 major cities in the United States in November was 4.3%, expected to be 4.3%, and the previous value was 4.22%.

2025-01-28 14:00:02
Britain's November quarter-adjusted merchandise trade account - 19.311 billion pounds, expected - 17.90 billion pounds, the previous value was revised from - 18.969 billion pounds to - 19.327 billion pounds.

Britain's November quarter-adjusted merchandise trade account - 19.311 billion pounds, expected - 17.90 billion pounds, the previous value was revised from - 18.969 billion pounds to - 19.327 billion pounds.

2025-01-16 07:00:03
The UK's Halifax seasonally adjusted house price index in December was -0.2% monthly, compared with expectations of 0.4% and the previous value of 1.3%.

The UK's Halifax seasonally adjusted house price index in December was -0.2% monthly, compared with expectations of 0.4% and the previous value of 1.3%.

2025-01-07 07:00:53
The UK's Halifax seasonally adjusted house price index recorded a monthly rate of -0.2% in December, ending a growth trend that began in June 2024.

The UK's Halifax seasonally adjusted house price index recorded a monthly rate of -0.2% in December, ending a growth trend that began in June 2024.

2025-01-07 07:01:53
The S & P/CS20 major cities in the United States saw an annual rate of 4.2% in October, compared with an expected 4.2% and a previous value of 4.57%.

The S & P/CS20 major cities in the United States saw an annual rate of 4.2% in October, compared with an expected 4.2% and a previous value of 4.57%.

2024-12-31 14:00:03
In the UK, the quarterly Halifax house price index was adjusted at a monthly rate of 1.3% in November, compared with an expected 0.2%. The previous value was revised from 0.2% to 0.4%.

In the UK, the quarterly Halifax house price index was adjusted at a monthly rate of 1.3% in November, compared with an expected 0.2%. The previous value was revised from 0.2% to 0.4%.

2024-12-06 07:01:01

7x24 快讯

16:25 2025-03-27
Tether跨链稳定币USDT0已部署至Optimism Superchain
Tether 跨链稳定币 USDT0 已部署至 Optimism Superchain,Optimism 宣布 USDT0 现已在 OP 主网上线。Superchain 是一个二层链网络,旨在通过 Optimism 的 OP Stack 扩展以太坊,部署 USDT0 有望推动 Superchain 吸引更多头部资产、应用和合作伙伴加入。
16:03 2025-03-27
Taproot Wizards:所有剩余NFT已售罄,预计将在24小时内向铸造者分发
比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,“所有剩余的 Taproot Wizards 已售罄,最终结算价格为 0.31BTC。预计将在未来 24 小时内向铸造者分发 Taproot Wizards。”
15:57 2025-03-27
Jupiter推出Quick Accounts,支持即时无签名交易
Jupiter 宣布推出 Quick Accounts,据悉,Quick Accounts 是嵌入 Jupiter 的钱包,可进行即时无签名交易,并且支持以类似机器人的性能进行交易。
15:54 2025-03-27
美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人 Paul Atkins 出席参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会的确认听证会,他表示若提名得到确认,将会与马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)合作。
15:54 2025-03-27
Circle 宣布推出 USDCKit,这是一个开发者友好的 SDK(软件开发包),供 PSP 集成和自动化 USDC 支付,支持大规模操作。 据悉,USDCKit 专为 Circle Wallets 打造,可实现跨境支付并通过稳定币简化资金运营。
15:42 2025-03-27
据 Lookonchain 监测,今日 10 只美国比特币 ETF 净流入 1030 枚 BTC,其中贝莱德流入 1250 枚 BTC,目前贝莱德持有 575811 枚 BTC,价值约合 501.4 亿美元;9 只以太坊 ETF 净流出 1433 枚 ETH,其中灰度以太坊迷你信托基金流出 850 枚 ETH,当前灰度以太坊迷你信托基金持有 458884 枚 ETH,价值约合 9.28 亿美元。
15:39 2025-03-27
USDC Treasury于以太坊链上再次新增铸造5000万枚USDC
据 Whale Alert 监测,2 分钟前,USDC Treasury 于以太坊链上再次新增铸造 5000 万枚 USDC。
15:33 2025-03-27
汇款应用 Abound 宣布完成 1400 万美元融资, NEAR Foundation 领投,Circle Ventures、Times Internet 和其他投资者参投,该公司计划利用新资金扩大业务范围、增加产品种类、以及改善技术基础设施,并且计划逐步进入加拿大、新加坡和阿联酋等市场。
15:24 2025-03-27
USDC Treasury于以太坊链上新增铸造5000万枚USDC
据 Whale Alert 监测,USDC Treasury 于以太坊链上新增铸造 5000 万枚 USDC。
15:24 2025-03-27
分析师 PlanB 表示,“相较于黄金和房地产市场,比特币似乎被严重低估。比特币市值为 2 万亿美元,而黄金为 20 万亿美元。比特币的稀缺性(S2F 比率)为 120 年,而黄金为 60 年。”
15:21 2025-03-27
Coinbase Advanced将上线BNB永续合约
Coinbase Advanced 正在增加对 BNB 永续合约的支持,BNB-PERP 市场将于 2025 年 4 月 3 日(UTC)上午 9:30 或之后开放。
14:56 2025-03-27
尼日利亚与币安的长期法律冲突不断升级,一名政府部长周四表示,恐怖分子和绑架者通过该平台上的加密交易转移资金。 政府信息部长 Alhaji Mohammed Idris表示: “我们偶然发现了将币安的运营与这些犯罪分子(恐怖分子之流)联系起来的证据。我们对不安全的担忧因币安的运营而加剧。” 在两起刑事案...